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  • Tuesday, November 13, 2018 12:34 PM | Nakia Ruffin

    The Historic Hampton House Cultural Center is an iconic segregation-era motel and lounge located in Miami-Dade County’s Brownsville neighborhood. Throughout the 1950s, 60s, and early 70s, some of the most influential entertainers, athletes, and Civil Rights leaders visited, performed, and made history at the Hampton House, including Cannonball Adderley, Sam Cooke, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Marvin Gaye, Muhammed Ali, Jackie Robinson, Althea Gibson, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm X, and many more. Today, the newly restored building provides a forum for educational, cultural, and historic activities for residents and visitors to the Greater Miami area. A treasured, unique, and unparalleled piece of modern history, the Historic Hampton House is a must see! 

    Please find upcoming events here

  • Friday, November 09, 2018 11:52 AM | Nakia Ruffin

    Please RSVP here

  • Tuesday, November 06, 2018 9:30 AM | Nakia Ruffin


    CONTACT: Iris A. Elijah, Public Relations Director
    Florida Association for Women Lawyers

    On November 2, 2018, the Supreme Court of Florida (“Supreme Court”) permitted the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (“FAWL”), the Wilkie D. Ferguson, Jr. Bar Association, the Caribbean Bar Association, the Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association, the Daniel Webster Perkins Bar Association, the Haitian Lawyers Association, the Virgil Hawkins Florida Chapter National Bar Association, the Fred G. Minnis Sr. Bar Association, and the George Edgecomb Bar Association (collectively referred to as “Amici”) to appear as amici curiae (friends of the court) in League of Women Voters of Florida, et al v. Rick Scott, Governor, et al. The Amici filed an Amicus Brief to express support for the extension of the application deadline for the three (3) pending vacancies in the Supreme Court. 

    The nine (9) Amici submitted the Amicus Brief to express support for extending the application deadline until at least the end of November 2018.  The Amici believe a diverse pool of applicants is of critical importance.  The current applicant pool is not sufficiently representative of women and minorities.  Of the fifty-nine (59) applicants, only eleven (11) are women, six (6) identify as African American, and six (6) as Hispanic.  If the application deadline is extended until the declaration of the next Governor who will make the appointments, the Amici are aware of highly qualified women and minorities who will apply. 

    The Judicial Nominating Commission (the “Commission”) set a deadline of October 8, 2018 for persons interested in filling the Supreme Court vacancies to submit applications.  At the time of the deadline, Governor Scott announced his intention to make the appointments with the Governor-elect.  The Commission announced it would conduct interviews of the candidates on November 2-8th and certify nominations on November 10, 2018 at the earliest.  On October 15, 2018, the Supreme Court issued an interim order ruling that the next Governor will make the appointments.  On October 26, 2018, the League of Women Voters filed an emergency supplemental petition asking the Supreme Court to order the Commission to accept new applications, prohibit the Commission from taking any other action until January 8, 2019, and prohibit Governor Scott from taking any further action.

    These nine (9) non-partisan voluntary bar associations speak with a unified voice in support of increasing the diversity of the Supreme Court of Florida, which has only ever had three (3) women and four (4) African American justices in its 170 plus year history.  Seven (7) appointments have been made in the last 20 years—none of them women.  By appearing, the Amici hope to see a Supreme Court that is reflective of the diversity of the citizens of Florida.  


  • Sunday, November 04, 2018 12:11 PM | Nakia Ruffin

    GSCBWLA congratulates Yolanda Cash Jackson on being named Most Effective Lawyer by the Daily Business Review in their Government Relations/Regulatory category!

  • Thursday, November 01, 2018 12:42 PM | Nakia Ruffin

     Attendance is free and open to the public. You can learn more about the event here. Please send your RSVP to m4bwfl.splashthat.com

  • Tuesday, October 30, 2018 1:42 PM | Nakia Ruffin

    Greetings GSC Family, 

    As another week begins, we  grieve for those who have fallen victim to senseless violence. Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the 11 beautiful souls who were slaughtered during synagouge in Pittsburgh while praying -- just because of the God that they worshiped. It brings me back to how distraught I felt when the brothers and sisters were murdered at Mother Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina -- it pains me to see the cycle continuing to repeat itself.  

    GSCBWLA stands in solidarity with our friends of the Jewish faith.  

    But now is not the time for merely expressing thoughts and prayers.  The Bible tells us that faith itself without works is dead. The works required in this instance is VOTING. We are a week away from Election Day.  We are faced in this country with a cancer of white supremacy.  It is this idea of supremacy that drives someone to murder innocent people at worship; to send explosive devices to people due to disagreeing with their political views; and to kill a couple at a grocery store because of the color of their skin (after trying to gain entry to a church). All of these acts occurred in the last week

    This cancer of white supremacy can only be dealt with by calling it by its name, and voting in favor of officials, irregardless of party or affiliation, who will do the same, and fight it with all of their being. 

    Charles de Gaulle stated it quite simply: Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

    In solidarity,

    Melba V. Pearson, Esq.
    Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association

  • Monday, October 22, 2018 12:32 PM | Nakia Ruffin

    Nominating petitions for the 2019 election for the Board of Governors of The Florida Bar must be received in The Florida Bar headquarters office on or before 5 p.m., December 17. All of the board positions are for two-year terms.

    Executive Director Joshua E. Doyle, on October 1 certified to John A. Tomasino, clerk of the Supreme Court, the number of members of The Florida Bar in good standing in each of Florida’s 20 judicial circuits and outside the State of Florida, and the number of circuit representatives based on the apportionment formula set forth in Rule 2-3.3, Rules Regulating The Florida Bar.

    Pursuant to Rule 2-3.4(b), incumbent board members must advise the executive director of their intention to seek reelection to a new term. The board members who do not plan to run again are indicated by an asterisk next to their names.

    Nominating petitions for the Board of Governors must be signed by no fewer than five members in good standing whose official Bar address is in the same judicial circuit (or out-of-state, if applicable) as the nominee (see form below).

    Election ballots will be emailed or mailed on or before March 1, and voted ballots must be received prior to midnight EST, March 21.

    Board of Governors Nominating Petition

    Board of Governors Nominating Petition (Out-ofState)

    Present Board of Governors members whose terms are expiring on June 28, include:

    Lawrence E. Sellers, Jr., Second Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2003

    Michael G. Tanner, Fourth Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2011

    Renée E. Thompson, Fifth Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2013

    Sandra Fascell Diamond, Sixth Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2011

    Stephanie M. Marchman , Eighth Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2017

    Julia L. Frey, Ninth Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2017

    *Dori Foster-Morales, 11th Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2008

    * Deborah B. Baker-Egozi, 11th Circuit , Seat 4, elected in 2016

    Steven W. Davis, 11th Circuit, Seat 6, elected in 2013

    F. Scott Westheimer, 12th Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2013

    Amy S. Farrior, 13th Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2017

    * Margaret Diane Mathews, 13th Circuit, Seat 3, elected in 2011

    Ronald P. Ponzoli, Jr., 15th Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2013

    Gary S. Lesser, 15th Circuit, Seat 4, elected in 2011

    Wayne LaRue Smith, 16th Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2015

    Diana Santa Maria, 17th Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2013

    Lorna E. Brown-Burton, 17th Circuit, Seat 3, elected in 2012

    Adam G. Rabinowitz, 17th Circuit, Seat 5, elected in 2013

    Gregory S. Weiss, 19th Circuit, Seat 1, elected in 2018

    *Marcy Lynn Shaw, 20th Circuit, Seat 2, elected in 2012

    E. Duffy Myrtetus, Out-of-State, Seat 1, elected in 2015

    Eric L. Meeks, Out-of-State, Seat 3, elected in 2007

    *Does not intend to seek reelection

    Nominating petitions may also be downloaded from www.floridabar.org and must be completed and returned by December 17 to:

    Joshua E. Doyle
    Executive Director
    The Florida Bar
    651 E. Jefferson St.
    Tallahassee, Fl 32399-2300

  • Friday, October 19, 2018 12:58 PM | Nakia Ruffin

    Donations may be made directly to the PayPal account at: http://www.mdcll.org/events.html. Thank you!

  • Friday, October 05, 2018 12:00 AM | Nakia Ruffin

    For Immediate Release:      

    October 5, 2018


    Media Contact:                

    Susan Windmiller



    Miami Women Speak Out

    As women leaders in Miami, we are shocked at the present discourse by some of our elected officials, the blatant mockery and disrespect of women, and in particular of Dr. Ford.  It is at these moments that all women in our community must act together.  We must raise our voices and be LOUD in the most important and effective way with our vote at the ballot box this November 6th.

    Please check your voting status to be sure you are an active voter to participate in this election.  Do not assume that you are - take the minute to verify that you are registered.

    You can Register to Vote or Update Your Information   and check that all your voting details are correct by Tuesday, October 9.  Do not delay!

    Make a voting plan - the ballot is very long with 12 State Constitution amendments, 5 County Charter amendments, School Board Referendum, candidates and more.

    Be an informed voter. Learn about the candidates and the amendments at https://www.vote411.org/.

    Make your selections and print your personalized ballot.

    Decide how you will vote:  

    Vote By Mail  (and watch the video)   Early Voting (Times & Locations)  or Election Day (where do I vote?)

    Share this message with your sisters, daughters, mother, grandmothers, and friends.

    Take 5 women with you to vote!

    Our vote is our voice and that is our power! 

    Amy Bloom - National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
    Andrea Mercado - New Florida Majority
    Annie Betancourt - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
    Caroline Castillo - Women's Chamber of Commerce
    Carrie Feit - Women's March Florida
    Fran Levey - National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
    Jo Glover Thomas – Beta Tau Zeta Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
    Kathy Andersen - Women's Fund Miami-Dade
    Louise Ross - Salad & Politics
    Mari Corugedo – LULAC, League of United Latin American Citizens
    Maribel Balbin - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
    Maria Rodriguez - Florida Immigrant Coalition
    Marcia Olivo - Miami Workers Center
    Marcia Reisman - Casa Valentina
    Marie Woodson - Miami-Dade County Commission on Women 
    Marika Lynch - Ruth's List Miami
    Marisol Zenteno - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
    Marliene Bastien – FANM, Haitian Women of Miami
    Martha Baker – SEIU Local 1991, Service Employees International Union
    Melba Pearson - Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyer's Association
    Mindy Finkelman - National Council of Jewish Women Kendall
    Robin Straus Furlong, M.D. – National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
    Susan Windmiller - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade  


Copyright © 2023 Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association