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Nominations for Appointment to The Florida Bar Citizens Advisory Committee

Sunday, February 07, 2021 12:42 AM | Nakia Ruffin

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Citizens Advisory Committee

It’s time to nominate Floridians who are not lawyers to be considered for appointment to The Florida Bar Citizens Advisory Committee to replace current members whose terms will expire in June 2021.  These are single-term, three-year appointments to be made by President-elect Michael Tanner to begin serving on July 1, 2021. Only current and past members of the Board of Governors, past presidents, section chairs and current and former Citizens Advisory Committee members are eligible to submit nominations.

The committee (formerly known as the Citizens Forum) assists in facilitating two-way communication between Floridians and The Florida Bar to inform and educate the public about significant legal-justice issues and to gain understanding and support for the justice system. Visit www.floridabar.org/citizensadvisory<https://urldefense.com/v3/__http:/www.floridabar.org/citizensadvisory__;!!DUT_TFPxUQ!W2-klLygTy8WB_o6uOndsqVyMYEEZy8aNXJ-I7qnaQvVVYobVji-pLK-X_B8$> for the committee’s charter<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.floridabar.org/about/cmtes/cmte-cm462/citizens-advisory-committee-charter/__;!!DUT_TFPxUQ!W2-klLygTy8WB_o6uOndsqVyMYEEZy8aNXJ-I7qnaQvVVYobVji-pLSclbtQ$> and current member photos and biographies<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www.floridabar.org/about/cmtes/cmtes008/__;!!DUT_TFPxUQ!W2-klLygTy8WB_o6uOndsqVyMYEEZy8aNXJ-I7qnaQvVVYobVji-pHrUzYgY$> and please share these links with possible nominees so they can review the information and recent meeting materials. 

There is no limit on the number of nominees you may submit. Please consider nominating people you know who represent the diversity of the citizens of Florida, including location of residence/geography, age, ethnicity, gender, and professional/work experience. These volunteers meet at least three times a year in conjunction with Board and other major Bar meetings and also as needed by Zoom/teleconference. Out-of-pocket travel expenses to attend meetings are reimbursed as per the guidelines here<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/www-media.floridabar.org/uploads/2021/02/CAC-reimbursement-form-2021.pdf__;!!DUT_TFPxUQ!W2-klLygTy8WB_o6uOndsqVyMYEEZy8aNXJ-I7qnaQvVVYobVji-pBn653nM$>.

Please use this link to complete the nomination form, attach the nominee’s current resume/CV, and submit: https://thefloridabar.wufoo.com/forms/2021-nomination-for-citizens-advisory-committee/<https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/thefloridabar.wufoo.com/forms/2021-nomination-for-citizens-advisory-committee/__;!!DUT_TFPxUQ!W2-klLygTy8WB_o6uOndsqVyMYEEZy8aNXJ-I7qnaQvVVYobVji-pLlsV3jw$>. The deadline for submissions is Monday, March 1, 2021, at 5:30 p.m.  A confirmation receipt of your nominations will be sent by email.

If you or your nominees have any questions about the Citizens Advisory Committee or the nominating process, please call or email Francine Walker:  850-561-5762 / fwalker@floridabar.org<mailto:fwalker@floridabar.org>.

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