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Judges and Lawyers Provide Insights from the Bench & Bar, Students Receive Book Stipends

Friday, April 17, 2015 10:50 PM | GSCBWLA Admin (Administrator)
The Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association hosted "The Real Deal: Real World Insights from the Bench & Bar" on Saturday, April 11, 2015. Approximately 25-30 young lawyers, law students, and judges attend this breakfast aimed at providing practical tips on being an effective lawyer in the courtroom and practicing law ethically and professionally from members of the bench. At the end of the event, GSCBWLA awarded book stipends to 2 students: Ashley Gantt (Nova Southeastern University) and Diamond Zerework (University of Miami). The Book Awards are funded through the Annual "Bowling for Books" Bowling event, which takes place during the Fall.

To see additional pictures from the event, visit our Facebook page here.

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