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The Florida Bar Business Law Section's Diversity Fellowship Seeking Applicants

Monday, March 12, 2018 12:01 AM | Nakia Ruffin

The Business Law Section Fellowship Program

The Business Law Section of The Florida Bar (the “Section”) consists of numerous active committees and an Executive Council with more than 60 members. The Section is committed to recruiting young lawyers and diverse lawyers to join, participate (and ultimately serve in leadership positions) in the Section.

The Section has implemented a Fellowship Program to provide a two-year subsidy to six qualified applicants who express an interest in becoming active in the substantive work and leadership of the Section. During their participation in the Fellowship Program, selected Fellows will receive leadership training and work closely with leading attorneys in the Business Law field. At the end of their Fellowship term, we are confident all Fellows will find the program enhanced their personal and professional development. 

The Inclusion/Mentoring/Fellowships Committee is a diverse group of members of The Florida Bar, including judges, academics and private practitioners who are charged with the task of fostering an inclusive environment within the Business Law Section so that all members are motivated to contribute to the goals of the section and succeed professionally. In fulfilling the charge of fostering a more inclusive environment, the committee serves as a key strategist for increasing the number of diverse members of The Florida Bar involved in section activities and plumbing the educational pipelines into the profession for greater diversity. The committee is a catalyst for professional development and leadership opportunities within the section for diverse members. Through its work and programs, the committee provides a forum for members to address diversity and inclusion issues and build networks for change in our section and the legal profession.

Please click here for more information about the Fellowship and the Application.

  • Communication & Marketing Committee: Co-Chairs: Christina Taylor and Michelle Suarez, Members: Tori Anderson, Iris Elijah
  • Networking CommitteeCo-Chairs: Christopher Broussard and Jorge Fors, Jr., Members: Cole Gale, R. Stephen Sandiford
  • CLE CommitteeCo-Chairs: Tiffany Brown and Erica Johnson,             Members: Giacomo Bossa, Antoine Dumas
  • Mentoring Program: Development of the IMF Mentoring Program: Co-Chairs: Sara Paris and Candace Balmori, Members Nicholas Horner, Samantha S. Rhayem, Iryna Ivashchuk
  • Current Projects

    BLS Scholars Program – Sponsor a Law Student From Your Alma Mater

Please welcome our BLS Scholars!

Congratulations to each of our BLS Scholars!  We will have 18 designated BLS Scholars from 11 of the 12 Florida law schools, Ave Maria, Barry, FSU, Florida Coastal, FIU, FAMU, Nova, St. Thomas, Stetson, UF and UM, in attendance at this year’s Retreat.  Indeed, our exceptionally diverse class of BLS Scholars are among the top students from their respective law schools.

Pictures and resumes of our Scholars can be found here.

BLS Mentoring Program

The Business Law Section's Mentoring Program seeks to connect recently graduated law students and young lawyers with experienced attorneys within our membership to provide guidance on career and professional development and growth. Learn more here

Sponsorship of Kozyak Minority Mentoring Foundation

The Business Law Section of the Florida Bar is a sponsor of the Kozyak Minority Mentoring Foundation and its annual Minority Mentoring Picnic.  The Section hosts a tent at the picnic where members greet students and discuss the benefits of membership in the Section as well as the value of mentoring for law students and new lawyers.

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