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Miami Women Speak Out

Friday, October 05, 2018 12:00 AM | Nakia Ruffin

For Immediate Release:      

October 5, 2018


Media Contact:                

Susan Windmiller



Miami Women Speak Out

As women leaders in Miami, we are shocked at the present discourse by some of our elected officials, the blatant mockery and disrespect of women, and in particular of Dr. Ford.  It is at these moments that all women in our community must act together.  We must raise our voices and be LOUD in the most important and effective way with our vote at the ballot box this November 6th.

Please check your voting status to be sure you are an active voter to participate in this election.  Do not assume that you are - take the minute to verify that you are registered.

You can Register to Vote or Update Your Information   and check that all your voting details are correct by Tuesday, October 9.  Do not delay!

Make a voting plan - the ballot is very long with 12 State Constitution amendments, 5 County Charter amendments, School Board Referendum, candidates and more.

Be an informed voter. Learn about the candidates and the amendments at https://www.vote411.org/.

Make your selections and print your personalized ballot.

Decide how you will vote:  

Vote By Mail  (and watch the video)   Early Voting (Times & Locations)  or Election Day (where do I vote?)

Share this message with your sisters, daughters, mother, grandmothers, and friends.

Take 5 women with you to vote!

Our vote is our voice and that is our power! 

Amy Bloom - National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
Andrea Mercado - New Florida Majority
Annie Betancourt - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
Caroline Castillo - Women's Chamber of Commerce
Carrie Feit - Women's March Florida
Fran Levey - National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
Jo Glover Thomas – Beta Tau Zeta Chapter, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority
Kathy Andersen - Women's Fund Miami-Dade
Louise Ross - Salad & Politics
Mari Corugedo – LULAC, League of United Latin American Citizens
Maribel Balbin - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
Maria Rodriguez - Florida Immigrant Coalition
Marcia Olivo - Miami Workers Center
Marcia Reisman - Casa Valentina
Marie Woodson - Miami-Dade County Commission on Women 
Marika Lynch - Ruth's List Miami
Marisol Zenteno - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade
Marliene Bastien – FANM, Haitian Women of Miami
Martha Baker – SEIU Local 1991, Service Employees International Union
Melba Pearson - Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyer's Association
Mindy Finkelman - National Council of Jewish Women Kendall
Robin Straus Furlong, M.D. – National Council of Jewish Women of Greater Miami
Susan Windmiller - League of Women Voters of Miami-Dade  


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