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GSCBWLA stands in solidarity with our friends of the Jewish faith

Tuesday, October 30, 2018 1:42 PM | Nakia Ruffin

Greetings GSC Family, 

As another week begins, we  grieve for those who have fallen victim to senseless violence. Our deepest condolences go out to the families of the 11 beautiful souls who were slaughtered during synagouge in Pittsburgh while praying -- just because of the God that they worshiped. It brings me back to how distraught I felt when the brothers and sisters were murdered at Mother Emanuel AME Church in South Carolina -- it pains me to see the cycle continuing to repeat itself.  

GSCBWLA stands in solidarity with our friends of the Jewish faith.  

But now is not the time for merely expressing thoughts and prayers.  The Bible tells us that faith itself without works is dead. The works required in this instance is VOTING. We are a week away from Election Day.  We are faced in this country with a cancer of white supremacy.  It is this idea of supremacy that drives someone to murder innocent people at worship; to send explosive devices to people due to disagreeing with their political views; and to kill a couple at a grocery store because of the color of their skin (after trying to gain entry to a church). All of these acts occurred in the last week

This cancer of white supremacy can only be dealt with by calling it by its name, and voting in favor of officials, irregardless of party or affiliation, who will do the same, and fight it with all of their being. 

Charles de Gaulle stated it quite simply: Patriotism is when love of your own people comes first; nationalism, when hate for people other than your own comes first.

In solidarity,

Melba V. Pearson, Esq.
Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association

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