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Eleventh Circuit JNC Extends Deadline for Two Judicial Vacancies

Monday, January 28, 2019 10:46 AM | Nakia Ruffin


January 25, 2019
CONTACT: Hayden P. O’Byrne., Chair; hayden.obyrne@klgates.com
11th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission 
TELEPHONE: 305-539-3381

The 11th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission is extending the deadline for applications to fill the vacancies in the 11th Judicial Circuit created by the elevation of Judge Eric Hendon and Judge Bronwyn Miller. The commission requests that interested candidates submit an application for consideration. Applicants must meet the qualifications for circuit court judges described in Article V, Section 8 of the Florida Constitution. Applicants must submit three copies (3) of their application by 5 pm on Monday, Feb. 4, 2019 as follows. (Note: All prior applications will be considered without the need to re-apply.)

The original unredacted paper application shall be delivered to:

Hayden P. O’Byrne

K&L Gates, LLP

200 S. Biscayne Blvd. 39th Floor

Miami, FL 33131-2399

The original unredacted application shall be emailed in .pdf format to: hayden.obyrne@klgates.com.

A redacted .pdf of the application shall be emailed to eleventhcircuitjnc@klgates.com. Personal information not subject to public disclosure — such as the Social Security number — shall be redacted as permitted by Section 119.071 of the Florida Statutes.

Untimely applications will not be considered. The filename for .pdf applications should be as follows “19.1.18 FIRSTNAME LASTNAME Circuit Application (redacted /unredacted).”

Applicants are invited to provide the chair with a one-page sheet listing the date, location and time of hearings or trials that they would want the commissioners to observe. The one-page disclosure sheet is not mandatory and can be provided to the chair at any time before the interview day. No information other than the date, location and time should be provided on the one-page sheet.

Applications may be downloaded from the Florida Bar’s website at www.floridabar.org and the Office of the Governor at www.flgov.com. Applicants should include a recent photograph.

NOTE TO APPLICANTS: To assist the Judicial Nominating Commission in its review of applications, all questions must be fully and completely answered. Applications must include current contact information, including email addresses, for judges, co-counsel, opposing counsel, and references to facilitate the background investigation that will be conducted by the members of the commission.

The 11th Circuit Judicial Nominating Commission will confer at 5 p.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 5, 2019, to schedule interviews. A room will be made available to members of the public (K&L Gates, LLP, 200 S. Biscayne Blvd. 39th Floor, Miami, FL 33131) who wish to attend.


Hayden P. O’Byrne (Chair)

K&L Gates

Southeast Financial Center, Suite 3900

200 S. Biscayne Blvd.

Miami, FL 33131

Tel.: 305-539-3381



Walter James Harvey (Vice Chair)

School Board Attorney’s Office

1450 NE 2nd Ave., Suite 400

Miami, FL 33132

Tel.: 305-995-1304/Fax: 305-995-1412



Scott M. Dimond

Dimond Kaplan & Rothstein, P.A.

Offices at Grand Bay Plaza

2665 South Bayshore Drive, PH 2B

Miami, FL 33133




Robert H. Fernandez

Gunster Law Firm Brickell World Plaza

600 Brickell Ave., Suite 3500

Miami, FL 33131

Tel.: 305-376-6000/Fax: 786-425-4119



Daniel S. Fridman

White & Case LLP

Southeast Financial Center

200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 4900

Miami, FL 33131

Tel.: 305-995-5264



Christine Hernandez

United States Attorney’s Office

99 N.E. 4th St.

Miami, Fl. 33132

Tel.: 305-961-9001



Paul Huck, Jr.

Jones Day

600 Brickell Ave.

Brickell World Plaza, Suite 3300

Miami, FL 33131

Tel.: 305-714-9700/Fax: 305-714-9799



Jorge A. Mestre

Rivero Mestre, LLP

2525 Ponce de Leon Blvd. Suite 1000

Miami, FL 33134

Tel: 305-445-2500



Robert R. Pardo

Robert R. Pardo, P.A.

7700 N. Kendall Drive, Suite 512

Miami, FL 33156

Tel.: 305-596-7794/Fax: 305-596-5854



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