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Third DCA JNC Seeks Applicants for Two Court Vacancies

Monday, January 28, 2019 10:51 AM | Nakia Ruffin


January 23, 2019
CONTACT: Harout J. Samra, Chair; harout.samra@dlapiper.com
3rd District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission 
TELEPHONE: 305-423-8500

The 3rd District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission has been asked to provide Gov. Ron DeSantis with nominees for the vacancies in the 3rd District Court of Appeal resulting from the elevations of Justice Barbara Lagoa and Justice Robert J. Luck to the Florida Supreme Court. The JNC seeks and encourages a broad, diverse and qualified pool of applicants.

Anyone interested in applying must deliver a complete original application to:

Harout J. Samra, Chair

3rd District Court of Appeal Judicial Nominating Commission

c/o DLA Piper LLP

200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2500

Miami, FL 33131


The deadline for submitting an application is 5 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 19, 2019. Applications submitted after the deadline will not be considered.

Instructions for submission:

  • The complete original and signed application must be submitted by the deadline. A photograph is encouraged but not required. To assist the Judicial Nominating Commission in its review of applications, all questions in the application must be fully and completely answered. In addition, applications should include current and accurate contact information for judges, co-counsel, opposing counsel and references. If there is requested information missing from an application, the Judicial Nominating Commission will consider the applicant’s lack of effort in submitting a complete application.
  • In addition to the original application, applicants must provide an electronic copy in PDF format of the original application and an electronic redacted copy in PDF format of the original application redacting information exempt under Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes or other applicable public records laws. Please send both electronic copies by email to each of the nine commissioners listed below. The electronic copy will not be accepted in place of a timely submitted original application.

Potential applicants are advised that the commission intends to hold interviews from March 6 through March 8, 2019. These dates are subject to change. Applicants receiving interviews will be separately notified of the exact date, time and location of the interview. Separate public notice will be provided when the interview schedule is approved by the commission.

Members of the bench, the Bar and the public are urged to contact the members of the commission concerning applicants for judicial positions.

The commission members are:

Harout J. Samra, Chair


200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2500

Miami, FL 33131-5341

Telephone: 305-423-8534

Email: harout.samra@dlapiper.com


Richard D. Lara, Vice-Chair

Spanish Broadcasting System, Inc.

7007 NW 77th Ave.

Miami, FL 33166

Telephone: 305-644-4824

Email: rlara@sbscorporate.com


Adam M. Foslid

Greenberg Traurig LLP

333 S.E. 2nd Ave.

Miami, FL 33131

Telephone: 305-579-0553

Email: foslida@gtlaw.com


Eric A. Hernandez

Hernandez Lee Martinez LLC

9190 Biscayne Blvd., Suite 204

Miami Shores, FL 33138

Telephone: 305-842-2101

Email: eric@hlmlegal.com


Lindsey Lazapoulos Friedman

United States Attorney’s Office Southern District of Florida

99 NE 4th St.

Miami, FL 33132

Email: lazopoulosfriedman@gmail.com


Michael A. Pineiro

Marcus Neiman Rashbaum & Pineiro LLP

2 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 1750

Miami, FL 33131

Telephone: 305-400-4268

Email: mpineiro@mnrlawfirm.com


Raquel A. Rodriguez

McDonald Hopkins, LLC

Southeast Financial Center

200 S. Biscayne Blvd., Suite 2600

Miami, FL 33131-5324

Telephone: 305-704-3990

Email: rrodriguez@mcdonaldhopkins.com

Justin J. Sayfie

Sayfie Law Firm

401 E. Las Olas Blvd., 14th Floor

Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301

Telephone: 954-954-523-2427

Email: justin@sayfielawfirm.com


Robert A. Spottswood

Spottswood Companies, Inc.

506 Fleming St.

Key West, FL 33040

Telephone: 305-294-6100

Email: rspottswood@spottswood.com


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